Department of National Planning

Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development

Launching of the National Social Protection Policy of Sri Lanka

The Department of National Planning of the Ministry of Finance, Economic Stabilization and National Policies launched the new National Social Protection Policy of Sri Lanka. This event ceremonially held in Colombo on 16th August 2024 with the participation of higher level officials of the Embassies/High Commissions, development partner agencies, Ministries, Departments and representatives of civil societies. This National Social Protection Policy was formulated by the Department of National Planning recently in a very participatory process with all major stakeholders incorporating inputs from the general public as well. The Social Protection Policy of Sri Lanka enables access to all citizens for appropriate social protection support across the lifecycle. Further, it provides strategic guidance for the development of a well-coordinated and harmonized social protection system for stakeholders across the government and private sector, as well as non-governmental organizations. Mr. R.H.W.A. Kumarasiri, Director General, the Department of National Planning delivered the opening remarks with a brief introduction. This event was honored by Mr. K. M. Mahinda Siriwardana, Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Economic Stabilization and National Policies delivering the key note speech emphasizing how the country was recovered from economic crisis and the importance of the National Social Protection Policy and implementation of this policy in an inclusive approach for a macroeconomic stabilization in the economic development landscape. A panel discussion was also held with the participation of experts representing the government sector, academia, development partners, sector specialists as well as the civil society organizations with representation of women and differently abled community.
